How to Promote Web Blogs in 2021

After writing a good blog, your responsibility will not over until it will be promoted well. In this blog, we will discuss how to promote web blogs in 2021. So, let’s start!

Promote Web Blogs

It is very important to write a well-structured and informational blog. Unique content is very valuable. We must use statistics, GIFs, Infographic, videos, proper unique images. But without promotion, your well-written blog will not be reached to valuable readers. So, we need the following steps to make a good number of real visitors to your blog.

Step 1: Upgrade and Update your blog with new things

Search your blog post that is having a good number of visitors. Edit the blog and update with a new set of multimedia, content, and most important trending tags. Edit the title and description as well. Then you will have visitors for new keywords.

Step 2: LinkedIn Syndication

LinkedIn is the right platform to find your right visitors. There are 756 million users are in LinkedIn. You can post the same-to-same content to the article section of LinkedIn. People will love to share your content if they will find some interesting in it.

Step 3: Facebook post boosting

Your Facebook page may have thousands of likes but the engagement of the posts is not fair enough. As boosting the post on Facebook is now a bit expensive. But you can decrease the expense by 25-75% by retargeting methods. It will help you to get more visitors engagements, likes, and shares. Post your blog links with a unique image to your Facebook page and boost it by retargeting.

 Facebook post boosting

Step 4: The Simple Newsletter

The email newsletter is the best way to promote web blogs. But a simple newsletter works best in this case. Just write an email with the name of the recipient and send the newsletter. No designs, no big images, no HTML, and most important no big intro. Just a few words about the blog and the blog link.

Step 5: Increase your Audience with Twitter trick

Here you can also increase the followers of Twitter with an easy trick. Email them via any email sender software about you and your "Twitter follower" link. You can easily improve your follower's count and promote web blogs on Twitter.

Step 6: Collaborate with Other blogs

You can easily email another blog about your content and make them convince you to add it to their blogs. You can also have the opportunity to place your blog in front of thousands of visitors. The visitors will read and share their views in the comment section.

Collaborate with Other blogs

Step 7: Broken Link Building

This is the step that I love most. It’s a procedure to find the broken link of the famous blog post and send them an email regarding this. You can also send your blog to add their website with the same link. This is the best way to increase your backlinks and rankings.

Step 8: Super-catchy social images

Social images take a vital role in blog promotion. Create the images with a good designer and post the image along with the blog link on different social media platforms.

Step 9: Create YouTube videos with your blog content

This is a trending thing that most digital marketing companies use. Simple process to promote web blogs. Just create a video with the help of your blog and upload it to your YouTube channel. This will help you to increase the number of visitors to your blog post.

Step 10: Reply Each of the comments in your blog

Don't ignore the comments in the blogs you have got. Try to reply to each of the comments with details that they are asking. It will help you to increase the engagement of the blog posts.

Step 11: Leave Comments on Other blogs

When you find any related blogs, please try to make some informational comments with your blog links. It will help your blog to get backlinks and improve its visibility.

Web blog promotion 2021


In the above points which points you liked most and which points did you not try yet? So, what are you waiting for? Write a well-structured blog and promote web blogs with the above points.


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