Terms of Use

This page contains the Terms and Conditions governing your use of the BlueHorse Software website and its services.
Please read this page carefully. By submitting the inquiry form or engaging any of our services, you agree to accept the following terms and conditions.
Acceptance of Terms

 By accessing and using BlueHorse Software’s services, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not accept these Terms and Conditions, you may not use our services.

Intellectual Property:

The entire contents of this website are the copyright of BlueHorse Software and may not be reproduced without permission. All rights reserved.

Client Responsibilities Clients will

We take the security of your information seriously and implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect it against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

  • Work directly with the assigned team
  • Be solely responsible for the projects and performance of any work product developed by the resources.
  • Provide licenses for any third-party software required by the resources if such software is not already available with BlueHorse Software.
  • Be responsible for incidental expenses, mailing fees, travel expenses, and any other fees incurred by BlueHorse Software or the resource(s) on behalf of the client, provided prior approval was given for these expenses.
Fees and Payments
  • BlueHorse Software will email clients with invoices and time logs detailing hours and work completed by each resource. Any corrections to hours worked must be received in writing within three days, and adjustments will be reflected in the following invoice.
  • BlueHorse Software may change terms of resource assignment, including rates, with 60 days' written notice to the client.
  • Idle time of the resource(s) must be paid by the client. BlueHorse Software will not be responsible for any idle time if the client has no tasks allocated to the resource(s).
Term and Termination

BlueHorse Software Termination: BlueHorse Software may terminate this agreement or any part of its services at any time if the client defaults on any obligation, including non-payment of fees, and does not remedy such default within seven days of notice.

Effect of Termination
  • BlueHorse Software will cease charging clients for any new service fees after the termination of this agreement.
  • Unless otherwise specified in writing, clients will not receive any refund for payments already made.
  • If termination is due to client default, the client shall bear all costs of such termination, including any reasonable collection costs or costs incurred in closing the client account.
  • Upon termination, clients must destroy any copy of the materials licensed to them.
  • BlueHorse Software may delete all information related to the client on its tools, if applicable.
Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at support@bluehorse.in


Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at support@bluehorse.in

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