How to Securely Integrate MySQL Database and REST API in Your Shopify App

In the previous blog of How to Integrate Shopify App with OAuth and Access Token , we delved into the intricacies of creating a Shopify app, setting up OAuth, and obtaining access tokens. Now, we embark on the next leg of our journey—leveraging the power of MySQL databases to securely store and retrieve access tokens. Additionally, we will explore the integration of REST APIs, unlocking the full potential of seamless communication between your Shopify app and databases.


Step 1: MySQL Database Setup:

In this section, we will guide you through the process of setting up a MySQL database to store crucial information, including access tokens. Follow these steps to ensure a robust foundation for your Shopify app:


1. Create a Database: Open Xampp click the “admin” button of MySQL , create a new database dedicated to your Shopify app.

2. Define Tables: Design tables within the database with the name of you app to store information such as id(int, 50, primary, auto increment),access tokens(varchar, 255), shop url(varchar, 255, unique) and date(datetime).

3. Establish Connection: Develop a connection script in your app to connect securely to the MySQL database. Go to vs code in your project directory create a new folder(include) and inside that create a php file(mysql.php). Here you can set the connection to the database to your project.


Now you can include this file into your “index.php” file which you have to create in your project directory.

4. Save access token into database: 1st open token.php file(this file you created before for more check the blog link provided in introduction), here also include the database connection file.

Then paste the following code inside the if condition where you compare “$hmac” and “$new_hmac”. 

By this updated code you will insert  the shop data into the table which you create and redirect you to the app section of your Shopify store.


Step 2: Retrieving Access Token from Database:

Now that your database is set up, follow these steps to seamlessly retrieve access tokens:

You need create a fill(check.php) in the same folder(include) where you can check the token from the database and paste the following code


Step 3: REST API Function:

To maximize the capabilities of your Shopify app, integrate REST API for efficient communication with Shopify stores. Here's how:

Now you need to create another php file(shopify.php) inside the folder “include” then paste the following code.


This code is creating a method like GET, Put, POST, DELETE. 

And Now Update the “check.php”

And you have to include this file into “index.php” and add the code below.

By this code, you will get product details in your app.


Conclusion:In the second part of our series, we've covered the essential steps to set up a MySQL database for secure access token storage and seamlessly integrate REST API into your Shopify app. This robust combination ensures not only the secure retrieval of data but also opens up a world of possibilities for enhancing the functionality of your Shopify app. Stay tuned for the next installment, where we'll explore advanced features and optimization techniques for your Shopify app.


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