How to Integrate Shopify App with OAuth and Access Token


Understanding the ins and outs of OAuth and Access Tokens is key to unlocking the full potential of your creations. Shopify App OAuth is the secure gateway that allows third-party apps to access a user's store data without compromising security. In this brief guide, we'll demystify the process, focusing on the essential steps to obtain the Access Token – the digital key that empowers your app.

Discover the simplicity behind OAuth as we break down the secure handshake between your app and the user's store. Learn the significance of the Access Token, a powerful tool enabling authorized requests to the Shopify API. 

Certainly! Navigating Shopify App Integration involves a series of steps to implement OAuth and obtain the Access Token. Let's break down the essential steps in the process:


Step 1: Create a Shopify App:

  • Log in to your Shopify Partner Dashboard.
  • Go to the "App" segment and select "Create app."
  • Choose "Create app manually," define the app's name, and click "Create."
  • Access the "Overview" section to find the "Client Id" and "Client Secret."


Step 2: Development Tools Required:

  • Utilize tools like Vs code, Xampp, and Ngrok for efficient development.


Step 3: Tunneling Local Server with NGROK:

  • Visit Ngrok's website, create an account, and obtain the "ngrok authtoken."

  • Start Apache and MySQL in Xampp and create a folder inside "htdocs" with the app's name.
  • Paste the Ngrok executable file into the app's folder.
  • Open Vs code, navigate to the terminal, and set the root to the app's folder.
  • Copy the "ngrok authtoken" to the configuration file.
  • Run "ngrok http 80" in the terminal to get a secure URL for localhost.

  • Create an "install.php" file in the app's directory and set the URL as a variable.
  • Open the Shopify Partner account and navigate to the app setup section.
  • Change the App URL to the secure URL obtained from Ngrok, also appending "/(Your app name)/".
  • In the "Allowed URL(s)" segment, include the subsequent URLs:                 

                          (Ngrok secure URL)/(Your app name)/token.php

                          (Ngrok secure URL)/(Your app name)/install.php

  • Click "Save" to update the app configuration in the Shopify Partner account.


Step 4: Creating install.php:

  • Generate the OAuth URL in "install.php" using Api key, Ngrok URL, Shop URL, Scopes, redirect_uri, random_bytes, and access mode.
  • Construct the URL: https://{shop domain}/admin/oauth/authorize?client_id={ api_key }&scope={scopes}&redirect_uri={redirect_uri}&state={nonce}&grant_options[]={access_mode}


Step 5: Code for Access Token:

  • Create "token.php" to handle access token retrieval.
  • Include api key, secret key, shop URL, and hmac in the code.
  • Generate a new hmac and verify its equality with the old hmac.
  • Use CURL to send api key, secret key, and code data to the endpoint "https://'.$shop_url.'/admin/oauth/access_token."
  • Review the response for successful token retrieval.


Step 6: Finalizing App Installation:


  • In the Shopify Partner account, go to the "Apps" section and select the app.
  • In the "Overview" section, click "Select Store" and choose the store or create a new one.
  • Click the "Install App" button, redirecting to the OAuth page.
  • Click "Install App" to obtain the access token.

By following these steps, you'll successfully integrate Shopify OAuth and manage access tokens for your app, ensuring a secure and reliable connection with Shopify stores.


Mastering OAuth and Access Tokens is crucial for optimizing the potential of your creations, particularly within the Shopify ecosystem. Our comprehensive guide simplifies the process, focusing on essential steps to acquire the Access Token – a vital element empowering your app.

Unveiling the simplicity of OAuth, we decode the secure interaction between your app and the user's store. The Access Token, a potent tool enabling authorized requests to the Shopify API, holds paramount significance.

Shopify App Integration involves creating a Shopify app, configuring development tools, and tunneling the local server with Ngrok. With specific PHP files and finalizing app installation, each step contributes to seamless and secure OAuth integration.

By adhering to the outlined process, from app creation to store installation, you'll seamlessly integrate Shopify OAuth, manage access tokens, and establish a secure connection with Shopify stores. Harness the power of OAuth to unlock enhanced functionality and reliability for your app's Shopify integration.


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