Indianshooting.com was the first-ever website dedicated to the sport of competitive shooting, and is meant to have all the latest news and other content relevant to everyone from a new enthusiast, an amateur, to a professional.
Interactive chat sessions with top shooters and coaches help the up and coming shooters immensely. In a country where most sports are ignored by the media and hence, the public, a sport where India regularly sees international success needs this kind of attention.

When it comes to an underappreciated sport like this, we need to be thorough. We need to talk about the latest happenings in the sporting world, the latest rankings in the country, highlight the latest achievements, display the calendar of events, provide resources for fellow shooters, and even manage to have a way for users to buy equipment.

Understanding the requirements, it was very clear to us that WordPress would be the ideal match for a swift execution of the project. It can do everything this site wants using add-ons and we could easily work around to meet the design requirements.

Our designers came up with an on-point look and feel, and our developers achieved all the functionality required well within the deadline. WordPress’ Woocommerce add-on is perfect for a small online store like this that complements a site, and it works great for the project.

When you have an olympic sport where legends and the legends in-the-making hardly get enough attention even on their greatest achievements, every bit helps, and this especially is a huge boost. BlueHorse is very pleased to be a part of this.

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