Introducing BH @ eParivahan:

Changing logistics and supply chain management 

BlueHorse spearheaded a revolution in logistics with a cutting-edge solution that streamlines workflows, optimizes delivery routes, and minimizes costs. This translates to a significant competitive advantage for businesses, allowing them to expand their reach, attract new clients with faster and more affordable services, and ultimately propel significant growth.

Empowering Transporters:

Solving Operational Challenges with Intuitive UI


The logistics industry faces the challenge of integrating technology solutions in an environment where many key stakeholders, such as transporters, lack technological proficiency. Bridging this gap requires innovative tech solutions tailored to meet the needs of non-tech-savvy users.


BlueHorse addressed this by crafting an intuitive user interface (UI) to streamline tech operations and enhance business acquisition to empower transporters of all backgrounds, ensuring smooth and efficient logistics management.

Enhancing GPS Tracking:

Overcoming Connectivity and Hardware Issues


Limited GPS coverage and faulty hardware left vehicles invisible during critical tracking moments, hindering real-time monitoring and efficient fleet management.


By integrating mobile SIM-based tracking with GPS technology, BlueHorse ensured uninterrupted visibility and control of vehicles by providing a solution that effectively addresses connectivity and hardware limitations, optimizing logistics operations for seamless performance.

Optimizing Logistics Efficiency: Streamlining Procurement with a Bidding System

Disorganized logistics and inconsistent pricing create confusion and delays, hindering efficiency and potentially leading to missed deadlines and frustrated customers.


BlueHorse addressed inefficiencies caused by disorganized logistics and inconsistent pricing by implementing a bidding system. This solution promotes competitive pricing and opens new business avenues for transporters, enhancing overall efficiency in logistics operations.

Improving Logistics Management:

Overcoming Challenges in Handling Large Contracts


Handling 1,000+ shipments per year in large contracts presents logistical nightmares. Keeping track of inventory, managing routes efficiently, and ensuring on-time deliveries becomes a major challenge.


To address the logistical complexities of managing large contracts with numerous consignments, we introduced a rate contract system. This innovative solution includes a multi-assign transporter feature, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in logistics assignment and management, resulting in streamlined operations.

Operational excellence:
  • Crafted intuitive UI for streamlined operations and enhanced business acquisition.
  • Integrated mobile SIM-based tracking with GPS for uninterrupted visibility and control.
  • Implemented bidding system for competitive pricing and new business avenues.
  • Introduced rate contract system with multi-assign transporter feature for streamlined logistics management.
  • We're proud to have fulfilled our commitments with a distinctive project:

    eParivahan- Powered by BlueHorse Software.

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