Why Digital Marketing is Important? Just my thought on it.

First of all, anyone without even understanding the importance of the field will know that in today’s progressive world when everything is digitalizing starting from online payment to online classes, why do think marketing would be left behind?


People are glued to their mobile screen so much so that wouldn’t even check out a billboard at times. They check websites from mobile, use apps to order food, book a taxi or a doctor’s appointment etc. the online game is full on. Now in my opinion I know that digital era is here to stay for a long, long time. And it’s catching up and evolving faster.


So, advertisers and the marketers know that this is one of the best places to market, whether they want to sell a product or get leads or want to highlight their client’s website or products, then they should to market digitally. This is a very good form of proactive marketing.


Laptop and mobile phones are the devices which people predominantly use for social networking, job hunt, read blogs, watch videos etc. Marketers these days advertise through an ad before, during, or after a video is played. They may use an influencer and cleverly advertise the product or through PPC- pay per click on website or a blog. They may use SEO, SEM, SMO to enhance the visibility. The options are varied and interesting as well. Marketers these days also have sophisticated tools and they make the best use of it to know whether the digital marketing strategies are working or not.


There are many benefits of digital marketing. They are as follows:-


  1. Targeted audience reaches
  2. Better interactive experience
  3. Way, way cheaper than traditional marketing
  4. Customer engagement and retention.
  5. Better ROI (return of interest)
  6. Better customer experience
  7. Local & Global reach
  8. Measurable
  9. Flexible strategies
  10. Compete with larger corporations


Digital marketing is one of the coolest thing to happen. It’s a blessing! One would ask me why? I would say, think of the global reach, you never know when one content is going to go viral. It has that much potential! Sometimes even when you haven’t made any effort for the content, just the way it appeals to people make it go viral. The “Kacha Badam Song” by Bhuban Badyakar, a peanut seller West Bengal, India is a very good example. This is a real-life incident. This peanut hawker in India would sing a self-composed song about peanuts to attract his customers. One day local person recorded it and uploaded it online and a musician somewhere just added tune to it and it became viral worldwide because of Tik Tok dance videos to that song. Other than that Instagram, and YouTube, with numerous users creating their own versions, dance routines, and remixes of the song, where did it didn’t make? I remember seeing that man on television, even during election speeches just singing that song. The reason of it to become viral was just the catchy tune.


Let’s look at some statistics on its virality that I got from the internet.


  1. TikTok and Instagram: Thousands of users worldwide created videos using the "Kacha Badam" song, leading to millions of views and likes. As of early 2022, there were over 2 million videos on TikTok using the song.
  2. YouTube: The original video and its remixes garnered millions of views. The official remix by Godhulibela Music, released in November 2021, accumulated over 100 million views within a few months.
  3. Global Reach: The song transcended cultural boundaries, becoming popular not only in India but also in countries like Indonesia, the Philippines, and several African nations.
  4. Media Coverage: Major news outlets like BBC, NDTV, and The Indian Express covered the song's viral journey, highlighting Bhuban Badyakar's sudden rise to fame.


Who do think in the world understood the Bengali language though? But who could stop it from global reach. Yes! That’s the power of internet and with right strategies and tools, digital marketing is the game changer for any business.


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