SMS Content Template Registration on DLT Platform

In this blog, we will discuss how to make SMS content template registration on DLT platforms. There are two types of SMS content template registration. One is Single content template registration and another is Bulk content template registration.

As per Trai guidelines, Telecom service providers are required to offer an eco-system for principal entities to register their content templates. As a result, Messages that fail to comply with regulatory parameters will not get delivered to customers.

There are 4 sections in the Content templates.

  1. Transactional template.
  2. Service Inferred/ Implicit template.
  3. Service message template.
  4. Promotional template.

So, here are the following steps to register content templates on the DLT portal.

Steps to Register Content Template on DLT portal.

Single Content template registration

  1. Log in to your service provider
  2. Then, click on content template registration.
  3. Fill up the form with the necessary details.
  4. Click on submit.
  5. Then, request Id is generated on submission.

Bulk Content Template Registration

  1. Log in to your service provider
  2. Click on Bulk content template registration.
  3. Then, download the sample CSV file.
  4. Fill in the CSV with the necessary details.
  5. Then, upload the updated CSV file.
  6. After that, click on submit


Hope you have liked the blog. SMS template registration is very important in eCommerce website development, especially Magento development. I have tried all the steps which worked fine for me. So, please share your reviews in the comment section. See you on my next blog.


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