Priorities and Pricing: Understanding the Cost to Make a Website

Making a website has become a very important side for enhancing your business outreach. Without a proper website nobody is aware of you. It’s like a shop that is in a location that no one knows about ! Even if you have the best product or the best facilities in the market, no one knows about it as you don’t have a strong online presence. You are just lagging behind your competitors who are dominating the market because of their online presence.


But the custom development cost or eCommerce website development cost can prove to be expensive. But I’m here to sort this out for you. Pay for only what you need and not the fancy stuff that your website development company might be suggesting you.


Here’s the breakdown:


A.Priorities: When investing in website development, you should prioritize the things that you need and also ensure you get the best value for your money:


1.The design and the user experience (UX): It is a very important part of a website. Let’s look at some statistics to know why I say so. The first impressions matter! Google says, it takes about 0.05 seconds for users to form an opinion about your website which are mostly on how your website looks and that is a whopping 94%.


The UX has also a major impact on the first-time visitors to your website. It engages your visitors, satisfies them and reduces abandonment. Do you think you as a user would ever return to a site with bad user experience? Your website should load fast and the interaction should be smooth enhancing the overall user experience and reducing bounce rates.


2.Responsive and Mobile-Friendly Design: If your site is not mobile optimized, then you are done for good. You need your website to work smoothly on the mobile device and it should also fit in every mobile screen or tab. Otherwise your user will not like the slow loading times, difficult navigation, and poor readability of your site on mobile devices.


3.Good Content: A content on the website engages the viewers and gives them information about your brand or anything else that you would like them to know. You can’t skip on this one. Users get an idea about your product or facility only through content, else how will you tell them what you are selling them, what is your brand’s message etc.


4.SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Your website should be optimized for search engines else your potential customer will never find you. For example, if you are an apparel brand, and a user types “black t-shirt online” in the search bar, then your website should show up in the 1st page itself and in the top preferably. This is why SEO is important.


5.Robust Security Features: This is also an essential feature for all types of websites, whether they are e-commerce platforms, corporate sites, personal blogs, or any other kind. It protects your website against data breaches, hacking attempts, and other cyber threats, maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of user data. This protection from cyber threats is critical for you and your user.


6.Technical Support and Maintenance: is essential for the health of your website.By investing in these key areas, clients can ensure that their website development project delivers maximum value and contributes to the overall success of their business.The content may go out of date, there can be trouble shooting, the site may need an update, there can be malware that can infect your website and compromise user data or system functionality.Thus, technical support and maintenance will help you keep your website in good form.


B.Pricing: Now let us look at the website development pricing or cost for ecommerce website development in India as of 2024, which can vary on factors like complexity, features, design requirements, and additional services. Here are some estimated price ranges:


Basic Website: Limited customization and functionality.

Cost: ₹10,000 to ₹50,000

Features that you get:

1.     Homepage

2.     about page

3.     contact page

4.     a few additional pages.


Ecommerce Website:Your online store. The costs vary based on the number of products, complexity of features, and integrations with payment gateways.

Cost: ₹50,000 to ₹5,00,000

Features that you get:

1.     online shopping capabilities

2.     product pages

3.     payment gateways

4.     cart functionality

5.     inventory management


Custom Website: These are custom-designed websites tailored to specific business needs and requirements.

Cost: ₹50,000 to ₹10,00,000+

Features that you get:

1.     tailored websites to specific business needs

2.     advanced features

3.     custom functionality

4.     unique design elements

5.     integrations with third-party services.


Maintenance and Support: Costs vary based on the level of support required and the size of the website.

Cost: ₹5,000 to ₹50,000+ annually

Facilities that you get:

1.     ongoing maintenance

2.     updates

3.     technical support services


These price ranges are estimates and they can vary depending on factors such as the expertise of the development team, project scope, timeline, and additional services included in the package.  


A website is an investment for your business and so consult with multiple development agencies, review their portfolios, and discuss your requirements to know who can develop the best and cost efficient website for you.


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