What is SCSS and how to use SCSS

What is SCSS ?

SCSS, short for "Sassy CSS," is a scripting language interpreted or compiled into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). As a superset of CSS, all valid CSS code is also valid SCSS. It introduces various features and enhancements, making CSS more powerful and easier to maintain.


Why to use SCSS ?

We use SCSS (Sassy CSS) for several reasons:

  • Nested Syntax: SCSS enables nesting CSS rules, enhancing code organisation and readability. It mirrors HTML structure, making it more intuitive.
  • Variables: SCSS allows the use of variables to store values, simplifying style updates. For example, defining a primary colour as a variable makes it easy to change universally.
  • Mixins: SCSS supports the creation of reusable CSS pieces known as mixins, functioning like styles functions for improved code reusability.
  • Importing: SCSS facilitates splitting styles into separate files and importing them where needed, promoting a modular and manageable codebase.
  • Mathematical Operations: SCSS supports basic mathematical operations within styles, beneficial for responsive design or dynamic value scenarios.
  • Conditional Statements: SCSS incorporates if-else statements, enabling conditional style application, useful for responsive designs or element state handling.


SCSS simplifies and enhances style writing and management, providing features like nesting, variables, mixins, importing, mathematical operations, and conditional statements for cleaner, more maintainable, and efficient CSS code.

Difference between scss & css ?


In simple terms, SCSS (Sassy CSS) is a syntax extension for CSS, adding features like variables, nesting, and functions for easier stylesheet writing and maintenance. It is a more powerful and flexible way to write CSS. SCSS code needs to be compiled into regular CSS before using it on a website.


How to use SCSS


Step 1

Install the Live Sass Compiler extension in the visual studio code extension bar.

Step 2

Create your HTML file (index.html) with the desired elements to style using SCSS.

Step 3

Add the following to the tag of your HTML file. The extension will compile the SCSS file (style.scss) into CSS, storing the compiled code in a new CSS file (style.css).

Step 4

Create a SCSS file (style.scss) at the same root level as your index.html file. Open and run the Live Sass Compiler extension.

Step 5

Compile the SCSS file into CSS using the Live Sass Compiler extension.


Is SCSS better than CSS?


While both SCSS and CSS serve the purpose of styling web pages, SCSS offers additional features and enhancements that make it a more powerful and flexible choice for developers. Its nested syntax, support for variables, mixins, importing, mathematical operations, and conditional statements contribute to cleaner, more maintainable, and efficient CSS code. Therefore, for developers looking for enhanced functionality and ease of maintenance, SCSS often proves to be the better option over traditional CSS.


In conclusion, SCSS empowers developers with enhanced features, including nested syntax, variables, mixins, and more, streamlining CSS development. Its adaptability, readability, and efficiency make it an invaluable tool for creating and maintaining styles. Embrace SCSS to elevate your web development projects with cleaner, more organized, and powerful CSS.


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