How to Import (Upload) CSV Files without WooCommerce in WordPress


Are you tired of wrestling with bulky WooCommerce plugins just to upload products? What if you could seamlessly import product data directly from CSV files, without the need for WooCommerce? Introducing a revolutionary solution: uploading CSV files to custom post types in WordPress using the powerful WP All Import Pro plugin.


This blog post is your ultimate guide to achieving product import freedom! We'll delve into the steps required, unveil the benefits, and equip you with the SEO-optimized knowledge to maximize your WordPress experience.


If any custom post contains product type data then it can be done with WP All Import Pro plugin, where no woocommerce plugin is needed. Also upload your image in media library. The process of importing the data is :-


Step 1:- Install WP All Import Pro plugin

Step 2:- Import in your csv file



Step 3:- Choose your custom post name and continue




Step 4:- Then continue next step


Step 5:- Then in left-hand side show the file and right-hand side show your data like a html format and drag & drop data your post according. 




Finally, check your product output on your site. 




In conclusion, uploading a CSV file to a WordPress custom post without using a WooCommerce plugin is simplified with the WP All Import Pro plugin. This method is particularly useful when dealing with custom posts containing product type data. The process involves installing the WP All Import Pro plugin, importing the CSV file, choosing the custom post name, and proceeding through the steps to map and arrange the data in an HTML-like format. The final step ensures a seamless product output on your site, providing an efficient and plugin-free solution for managing and importing data into WordPress custom posts.


Try it today and witness the difference!

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