Facebook Login on Laravel 7

Laravel socialite is the easiest way to login to our website. Now I show you how to implement it on Facebook login by using the socialite package.

Step 1:

First, you should create your own Facebook App.


Click Create App.

Follow the below pictures of creating an app and take the required credentials

Step 2:

Download Socialite

Run this command on CMD.

composer require laravel/socialite

Step 3:

Now you should configure the app.php file. Open config/app.php file and put


this under providers and put

'Socialite' => Laravel\Socialite\Facades\Socialite::class,

this under aliases.

Step 4:

Now you should configure the config/services.php file.

'facebook' => [

'client_id' => '3459825004069606',

'client_secret' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',

'redirect' => 'https://test.com/callback/facebook',


Step 5:

Now add these two fields to your user’s table

provider, provider_id

as a string.

Step 6:

Now you should add the following routes in routes/web.php file.

Route::get('/auth/redirect/{provider}', 'SocialiteController@redirect');

Route::get('/callback/{provider}', 'SocialiteController@callback');

Step 7:

Create a controller by using CMD

php artisan make:controller SocialiteController

Step 8:

Put it in your Facebook href link. Now open the link and ready to log in.

{{ url('/auth/redirect/facebook') }}


This is how we login into Facebook in Laravel development. The above code is created and tested by me. Please share your reviews in the comment section. See you on my next blog.


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