Does your IT solutions and services provider or web development company communicate proactively with you?

Before telling you the importance of proactive communication from the end of your website development company, I will first tell you the story of Sarah and Rebekah, two women who had ordered birthday cakes for their sons from the so called, reputed bakeries of the town.


Sarah went to Crunch & Munch Bakery and Rebekah went to Royal Bakery. Both of them chose the design of the cake, tasted the flavour and fixed the date for the cake delivery. On the day of birthday, Sarah got more than what she expected, a beautiful cake which was very tasty. On the other hand, Rebekah got a badly made cake, both in terms of flavour and design. And why did this happen? Let's compare Sarah's and Rebekah's experiences in the table below to find out:






(Crunch & Munch Bakery - Proactive)



    (Royal Bakery - Reactive)

Initial Consultation

Received a follow-up call to review details and suggest improvements

No follow-up after the initial consultation


Regular updates with photos and requests for feedback

No updates; had to call the bakery for progress

Problem Handling

Addressed potential issues early and provided alternatives

Made last-minute changes with limited options

Delivery Confirmation

Received a call the day before to confirm delivery time

No confirmation; had to call the bakery to check

Delivery Time

Cake was delivered on time with extra touches (e.g., handwritten card)

Cake was delivered late, causing stress

Overall Experience

Smooth, stress-free, and satisfactory

Uncertain, stressful, and less satisfactory


Sarah's proactive bakery, they communicated with her on their own to give her desired cake as a result her experience was smooth and satisfying, while Rebekah's reactive bakery experience was uncertain and stressful because they never cared to inform her about anything.


So this was just an example, but think when you want to make a website, eCommerce website, mobile app and your It solutions and services company lets you down, because they never proactively communicated with you, the result is getting an inferior quality website that doesn’t stand up to the mark and is not how you had imagined it. A website costs a lot of money, a minimum charge for a good eCommerce website could be 1.5 lakhs. And after investing that much how do you think you’ll react when you’ll be given what you never ordered for like Rebekah.


Why your website development agency should communicate with you proactively the benefits are as follows: -


1. To understand what you want and desire in your website, be it the design or the platform.

2. To understand how you want to customize it.

3. The purpose of your website.

4. To let you know the progress of the project.

5. To keep you in the loop so that you can give constructive feedback if needed and make necessary adjustments.

6. To address concern when needed.

7. To involve you in the decision-making process.

8. To value your input and ensure that your vision is reflected in the final product.

9. For a thorough walkthrough of the completed website.

10.For a training session which will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively manage and update your new site independently.

11. For on-time delivery


All this you should be expecting from your agency as this not only will help you be aware of what’s going on with the building up your dream website, it also will help you get the best results for your needs.


A trustworthy website development company will always be transparent and will try to give you the best of their service. Remember they’re also trying to build their relationship with you so that you keep going to them and this also gives you the peace of mind for the future projects that you may want to build or continue with the post launch service from the same company without having to find who can give you the best service here and there.


Like Rebekah, don't just trust the name even if its reputed, make sure you get a consultation, where the agency answers all your questions and satisfies you. Make sure you go through their case studies and client testimonials, before choosing the agency for your dream website.



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